Friday 30 September 2011

Terence McKenna: The Vertigo At History's Edge (1994)

The Vertigo At History’s Edge: recorded in New York City, 29 April 1994.

"I submit to you, this is the most complex moment in the most complex place, in the universe to date."

"If you have a universe that is building on achieved novelty, and building faster and faster, then you have a universe which is consuming its share of time, if you will.. A universe which is building toward its conclusive denouement much faster than the entities, beings embedded in it might suppose."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: The Phenomenon Of Man (1955)

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1955) was a French philosopher and Jesuit priest who trained as a paleontologist and geologist and took part in the discovery of both Piltdown Man and Peking Man. Teilhard conceived the idea of the Omega Point and developed Vladimir Vernadsky's concept of Noosphere. Some of his ideas came into conflict with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and several of his books were censured.

Teilhard views evolution as a process that leads to increasing complexity. From the cell to the thinking animal, a process of psychical concentration leads to greater consciousness. The emergence of Homo sapiens marks the beginning of a new age, as the power acquired by consciousness to turn in upon itself raises humankind to a new sphere. Borrowing Julian Huxley’s expression, Teilhard describes humankind as evolution becoming conscious of itself.

Carl Jung: Man & His Symbols (Audiobook)

Man and His Symbols is the last psychological work undertaken by Carl Jung before his death in 1961. First published in 1964, it is divided into five parts, four of which are written by associates of Jung: Joseph L. Henderson, Marie-Louise von Franz, Anelia JaffĂ©, and Jolande Jacobi. The book is meant to be an introduction to Jung's theories and was originally written for a general audience rather than psychology students.

In "Man and His Symbols", Jung examines the full world of the unconscious mind, whose language he believed to be the symbols which are continually revealed to us in our dreams. Jung believed that in the act of dreaming the unconscious mind sent practical advice to the conscious self and he believed that self-understanding could lead to a fuller, more productive life.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Terence McKenna: Books, Articles & Transcripts

A collection of 7 books, 70 articles, essays & transcripts, some photos from the upcoming book, "The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss!" by Dennis McKenna and a preview of Klea McKenna's "The Butterfly Hunter".

Sunday 25 September 2011

Tony Benn: The Salter Lecture (2011)

Benn's lecture from the yearly gathering of Quakers in Britain 2011

Tony Benn: Democracy (2005)

This contains audio extracted from a Channel 5 documentary. The visuals added very little to the power of the work, so I decided to rip it.

In his inimical, honest and impassioned style, Tony Benn describes the historical struggle for the protection of the masses from a small number of powerful people, and the present state of Democracy in the UK and America.

If you can spare 30 minutes and some bandwidth I highly recommend having a listen. It's easy to understand and very powerful.

Many thanks to scotscam on pirate bay


Tony Benn: The Benn Tapes Vol. 1 & 2

Late each night for over 25 years, the Labour MP and former Secretary of State Tony Benn sat alone and dictated onto tape his account of the daily events at the heart of government, including Harold Wilson's resignation and the miners' strike.

In this second compilation of the most exciting moments from his daily audio diary, Tony Benn reveals what he discovered behind the scenes in the nuclear industry and recalls what really happened during Cabinet reshuffles.

An intimate and revealing insight into one the most honourable politicans in British history.

Friday 23 September 2011

Terence McKenna: Culture & Ideology Are Not Your Friends (1999)

Terence McKenna
Culture and Ideology are Not Your Friends

Presented at the Whole Life Expo, Denver, April 1999

"Someone once said plants invented animals to carry them around. Well, I think the Earth invented human beings to build machines; and those machines will be the consciousness of the Earth. Have you not noticed that these machines are made of the Earth? They are made of gold and silver and arsenic and copper and iridium. They are the stuff of the Earth, organised by primate fingers into more complex arrangements than the Earth could achieve through geological folding, glaciation, volcanism, what have you. We do the fine-tuning; but the Earth is beginning to think."

Mark Thomas: The Night War Broke Out (2004)

The Night War Broke Out was recorded live in Edinburgh on the evening the US and UK military started the invasion of Iraq, with the bombing of Saddam Hussein's palace. The day was full of rumours that Saddam Hussein's deputy Tariq Aziz had been captured (untrue) and that the invasion had started (true). Lunchtime that day saw a massive turnout of anti-war protestors taking part in civil disobedience by blocking the main streets of the city. Over 4,000 people defied the police in sit-down protests and school children attempted to storm the Scottish Parliament.

"A foul-mouthed but seriously thought-provoking look at the world at the time of the start of the second Gulf War. Mark Thomas provides an extremely funny narrative that celebrates the right to protest against authority interspersed with frightening statistics of Governmental excesses. If this does not prick at your conscience and urge you to join the movement at some level you must be George W Bush."
Phil, United Kingdom, November 2007

Mark Thomas: The Manifesto (BBC Radio 4, 2009-2011)

As a nation, we are drifting up a certain well-known creek, economically, politically, socially... er... totally. So where are the great ideas, theories and visions to help us in our hour of need?

In this show, comedian-activist Mark Thomas looks to create a People's Manifesto. The audience are asked to come up with their own policies, with the concept being that Mark includes some of them in a final manifesto which he will go on to campaign for.

Many ideas are considered on the recording nights, some are dismissed out of hand, some discussed with the kind of experts who know about these kinds of things, and some Mark actualy takes on to try to put into practice.

Following on from the two successful shows last summer, where policies included "MPs should be bound by law to tell the truth" and "Children's playgrounds should be less safe" - Mark Thomas returns to investigate suggestions such as "4x4s should be transparent"; "manifesto policies should be legally binding"; and "there should be a maximum wage". 

Featuring interviews with experts, original research and audience discussion, Mark Thomas - The Manifesto attempts to re-engage the audience with the idea of democracy.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Beatus of Liébana: Commentary on the Apocalypse

click images to enlarge

Commentary on the Apocalypse (Commentaria In Apocalypsin) was originally an eighth century work by the Spanish monk and theologian Beatus of LiĂ©bana. Today, it refers to any of the extant manuscript copies of this work, especially any of the 26 illuminated copies that have survived. It is often referred to simply as the Beatus. The historical significance of the Commentary is made even more pronounced since it included a world map, which offers a rare insight into the geographical understanding of the post-Roman world. Well-known copies include the Morgan, the Saint-Sever, the Gerona, the Osma and the Facundus.

Considered together, the Beatus codices are among the most important Spanish medieval manuscripts and have been the subject of extensive scholarly and antiquarian enquiry.

Watching "The Name of the Rose" last night i noticed this is one of the manuscripts Adso is looking through when he and William first enter the forbidden library.

I've not been able to find PDFs of any of the manuscripts but here are a collection of hi-res color scans from various editions, links and a PDF commentary on the codices.

(Above images from, Facundus Beatus, 1047)

Manly P. Hall: Worlds In Transition

1. Religion Beyond Dogma
2. Science Beyond Materialism
3. Philosophy Beyond Doctrine
4. History Beyond Tradition
5. Education Beyond Authority

Manly P. Hall: Wisdom Series

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2. The Wonder World Of Words
3. From Knowledge To Wisdom
4. From Wisdom To Understanding
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6. Now, A Moment In Eternity

Manly P. Hall: Unseen Forces That Affect Our Lives

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2. Demonism In The 20th Century
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Manly P. Hall: Universe According To Esoteric Philosophy

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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Manly P. Hall: Invisible Bodies Of Men In Hindu Philosophy

1. The Sthula Sharira - Physical Body And Its Attributes
2. The Living Shariri - The Etheric And Vital Bodies
3. The Kamaru Pa - The Emotional Nature And Its Activities
4. The Rupa &Arupa Manas - Vehicles Of The Concrete & Abstract Mind
5. The Buddhic Sheath - The Seat Of The Intuitive People

Manly P. Hall: Interpreting Great Legends Of The World

1. Mystery Of The Iron Tower - India
2. The Gesar Khan - Tibet
3. The Court Of The Sea King - Japan
4. The Queen Of Heaven - China
5. The Golden Legend - Europe