Monday 8 August 2011

William S. Burroughs: Naropa & Elsewhere (1974-1989)

1974-11-07 - Pauley Ballroom of UC Berkeley - Excerpts from Nova Express, The Wild Boys, Exterminator and The Place of The Dead Roads - 37:04

1975-01-01 - Loka Interview - 1:03:50

1976-07-20 - Lecture - 1:34:02

1976-07-21 - Naropa Institute - Various Short Pieces - 42:41

1976-07-22 - Class On Writing Sources - 2:15:44

1976-08-07 - Naropa Institute - Take Nirvana, Twilight's Last Gleaming - 24:24

1979-08-08 - Class On Creative Reading  - 1:35:39

1979-08-10 - Class On Creative Reading  - 1:15:11

1979-08-13 - Class On Creative Reading  - 1:40:11

1979-08-15 - Naropa Institute - The Gay Gun & Other Pieces  - 34:57

1980-08-11 - Lecture On Public Discourse - 1:29:04

1982-07-23 - Jack Kerouack Conference Workshop 1 - 40:23

1982-07-23 - Jack Kerouack Conference Workshop 2 - 1:00:34

1984-02-05 - Don Swaim - Interview. 1984 on His 70th birthday - 24:56

1984-07-04 - Class (with Ginsberg) - 1:15:07

1985-07-28 - Reading - 1:03:19

1985-11-05 - Don Swaim - Interview, 1985 - 34:37

1986-06-25 - Class On The Technology & Ethic Of Wishing - Part 1 - 1:02:59

1986-06-25 - Class On The Technology & Ethic Of Wishing - Part 2 - 33:34

1989-07-22 - Reading, Art Now - 46:58

Art by Charles Burns

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