Wednesday 10 August 2011

Rick Roderick: The Teaching Company Series

Rick Roderick (1949-2002) first studied communication (self-admittedly in order to focus on anti-establishment student and anti-war activities), but moved after a few years towards philosophy. He received his B.A. at the University of Texas at Austin, did post-graduate work at Baylor University and finally earned his Ph.D. at the University of Texas.

He was much revered by many students for a socratic style of teaching combined with a brash and often humorous approach. His breakthrough into wider circles came with his engagement with The Teaching Company where he recorded several memorable lecture series.

The Teaching Company Series

(1990) Philosophy & Human Values:
01 - Socrates & the Life of Inquiry (46:40)
02 - Epicureans, Stoics, Skeptics (41:32)
03 - Kant & the Path to Enlightenment (43:49)
04 - Mill on Liberty (44:07)
05 - Hegel & Modern Life (41:40)
06 - Knowledge & Belief (44:22)
07 - Kierkegaard & The Contemporary Spirit (46:30)
08 - Philosophy & Post-Modern Culture (34:07)

(1991) Nietzsche & The Post-Modern Condition:
01 - Nietzsche as Myth & Mythmaker (44:24)
02 - Nietzsche on Truth & Lie (39:18)
03 - Nietzche as Master of Suspicion & Immoralist (40:27)
04 - The Death of God (41:40)
05 - The Eternal Recurrence (38:55)
06 - The Will to Power (43:00)
07 - Nietzsche as Artist (41:06)
08 - Nietzsche's Progeny (36:14)

(1993) Self Under Sieige (Philosophy In The 20th Century):
01 - The Masters of Suspicion (47:56)
02 - Heidegger & the Rejection of Humanism (45:10)
03 - Sartre & the Road to Freedom (41:13)
04 - Marcuse & One-Dimensional Man (45:50)
05 - Habermas & Fragile Dignity of Humanity (47:19)
06 - Foucault & the Disappearance of the Human (45:37)
07 - Derrida & the Ends of Man (44:11)
08 - Fatal Strategies (47:39)

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