Wednesday 14 September 2011

Hunter S. Thompson: On 911 (2002)

Hunter S. Thompson, talked to Mick O'Regan
from Radio National's Media Report.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 
6:15am - Thursday 29 August  2002 

"You would never believe it, it’s so insane. This is a frantic publicity. Every day on television the President’s on TV at least once a day, and celebrations of the dead, the patriots, exposes on Al Qaida, it’s just relentless, in fact 25 hours a day, of just how tragic it was and how patriotic it was, and how much we have to get back at these dirty little swine, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised for as hideous and dumb as it sounds, an invasion of Iraq on September 11, yeah I’ll get out and take a long shot bet on that. "

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