Sunday 18 September 2011

Terence McKenna: Linear Societies & Nonlinear Drugs (1999)

Terence McKenna at the Entheobotany Seminar
Palenque, Mexico on January 16, 1999

On Saturday night, January 16, 1999, Terence McKenna gave one of his last lectures at the legendary Entheobotany Series by the foot of the pool at the Chan Kha Hotel near the Mayan ruins of Palenque. There were about 100 people sitting in the moonlight, listening to the lowing of cattle in the distance and the occasional chatter of the howler monkeys in the trees nearby. This was Terence doing what he did best, which was to challenge all of us to stretch our minds to their far limits and then expand them once again.


Illustration: Adam Scott Miller (Thermohoizon)

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