Friday 16 September 2011

Trialogue: Hazelwood House (1993)

Trialogue: Hazelwood House, England 1993

In their first trialogue held outside of California, Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, and Rupert Sheldrake begin this session by telling us what they think about one another. Then Rupert Sheldrake challenges Terence and Ralph to speculate on the as yet unknown physical principle underlying the ability of homing pigeons to return to their roosts. 

McKenna covers a wide range of topics with thoughts like, "That's what life is. It's a chemical strategy for the conquest of dimensionality."

Public workshop, Trialogues, Hazelwood House, Devon, ENGLAND (June 25- 27)

Art: Francisco De Goya, 'Where there's a will there's a way' (Donde hay ganas hay mana), Plate 13 of Los Disparates

Etched about 1819 - 1823 (published 1864)


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