Friday 16 September 2011

Trialogue: Utopianism & Millenarianism (1992)

Trialogue: Utopianism & Millenarianism
Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake & Ralph Abraham
Esalen, California, 1992

Utopianism and Millenarianism. A cultural history of utopianism. Surges of utopian renewal. The trinitarian utopian model. Are the utopian and millenarian movements tendencies of the European mind in reaction to Christianity? Millenarians are dominated by the apocalyptic idea. How have these trends influenced the trialoguers? The Marxist utopian model. Scientific utopianism. Liberal political utopianism.. New age and psychedelic utopianism. A mathematical utopia. 2012 - the end of history? What is the connection between the Archaic Revival and the Timewave? Is millenarianism an anti-progressive force? Origins and end-points. Utopianism is reasonable if we can change our minds.


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