Codex Seraphinianus, originally published in 1981, is an illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, created by the Italian artist, architect and industrial designer Luigi Serafini during thirty months, from 1976 to 1978.
It has been compared to the Voynich Manuscript, "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius", and the works of M.C. Escher and Hieronymus Bosch, it also brings to mind the technical drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci.
the crocodile crawled from your page through the mycelium to the usa, back through the centre of the earth to me... amazing crazy wierdness...
ReplyDeleteI am a diehard serafini fan... Have a copy of the first edition codex, piccola pulcinellopedia, and the limited edition storie naturalie.... Recently i acquired another piece by serafini that i didnt know existed.. It's a vase made in Germany by a company called Eschenbach, who worked with serafini to create the vase in a signed and limited edition of 100. If anyone is interested in some photo's i'd be glad to provide.